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  • 2021: International Symposium “Rethinking Humanities for a Post-Pandemic World” SEE HERE November, 2021 in Byblos Lebanon, organized and published by The International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) – UNESCO, Byblos, the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH), a speaker in the panel discussion entitled “Rethinking Arts amidst the Pandemic” on November 26, 2021 from 14: 30 – 16:30 (Beirut Time) ABOUT 

  • 2021: THE EUROPEAN HUMANITIES CONFERENCE (EHC) in Lisbon was held in May 2021, gathering 112 speakers (59 women and 53 men), from 23 European countries (but, also, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania). On the 6th of May an international Art and Humanities conferences and Concert ABOUT 

  • 2021: Post-structuralisme : rencontres inhabituelles entre l’artiste et l’objet in Déstructuralisme Figuratif. READ (text in French).

  • 2021: Creativity as a Key Concept, article published in the HAS Magazine #02 Between Anxiety and Hope: Two Fundamental Aspects of the Human Condition. READ.

  • 2020: Why the Arts – The role of the Arts in Society, lecture at the Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg.

  • 2020: Singularities and Big Data, article published in the HAS Magazine #01 Big Data and Singularities: Creativity as a Basis for Rethinking the Human Condition. READ.

  • 2018: Union internationale des sciences préhistoriquesBook of Abstracts, 18th UISPP World Congress. READ.

  • 2018: Memories: ground for mythConference at the Congrès mondial UISPP. ABOUT.

  • 2017: Education, Training and Communication in Cultural Management of Landscapes, ARKEO. READ.

  • 2017: The Power of the Arts Bringing Individuals, Societies and the World Together. World  Humanities Conference. Co-organized by UNESCO, the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) And the Liège Foundation. SEE MORE.

  • 2017: Memories: Grounds for Myth, article published in Expression n° 18 - Quarterly e-journal of atelier in cooperation with UISPP-CISENP. International scientific commission on the intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples. READ.

  • 2016: Male + Female: Humanity: Male and Female in Prehistoric and tribal art, article published in Expression n° 11 - Quarterly e-journal of atelier in cooperation with UISPP-CISENP. International scientific commission on the intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples. READ.

  • 2014: Intellectual and spiritual expressions of non- literate Societies: art and culture, a journey through the world of mankind, article published in Expression n° 6 - Quarterly e-journal of atelier in cooperation with UISPP-CISENP. International scientific commission on the intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples. READ.

  • 2013: Symbols as Universal Language, with Patricia Creveaux, XXV Valcamonica SymposiumREAD.

  • 2013: Des neurosciences à l’histoire de l’art : quelques pistes pour renouveler le regard sur les œuvres d’art, with Patricia Creveaux. Vers une histoire de l’art indisciplinée ? (19 juin 2013, salle Perrot, 2ème étage, Inha).

  • 2011: Colloque Art, interculturel et apprentissage des langues et des cultures. ABOUT (in French).

© 2024 Margalit Berriet 

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